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Running for me is therapeutic. It gets me away from the noise and challenges of everyday life. It lets me escape and allows my mind to wander to the things I can’t get to during the day. It helps me reflect on what I could have done differently in my day, and how I need to approach things in the future. It’s really the only time I let myself think about how excited I am for the next Star Wars movie or Michigan Wolverines game!

This year, I set a goal to run and walk 2,500 miles and, in the process, raise $2,500 for Camp Casey. To put this into perspective, this is an average of almost seven miles per day, EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE YEAR. Missing one single day requires a lot of miles to be made up on the next day. It’s a lot, but it feels good to give this time to such an incredible organization with a passion to help kids forget about their cancer struggle and feel like every other kid for a while. I found Camp Casey when talking to a good friend of mine about how he spends his weekends. He started telling me about his volunteer work with the Horsey House Calls and the Cowboy Camp Outs and what it means to the kids who get to experience these programs. It’s amazing to think that this entire organization started from the legacy of one young girl and the passion of many to keep that legacy living on. I’m happy to contribute where I can.

I’m just under 2,000 miles into my year-long journey and just under $2,000 in donations. Every second has felt worth it, and I hope to exceed both my mileage and donation goals. I know many reading this have already given their time and hard earned money to Camp Casey and to other worthy causes. But, if you have the ability to give any more, please do…every dollar counts and goes to the hard work of those moving Casey’s legacy forward.

Click here to help Mike reach his goal!