Howdy, y’all! Cowgirl Alex here to give you the scoop on all things programming. Yeehaw!
The Camp Casey trucks and trailers may be stowed away for the snowy future, but nothing has slowed down with us cowgirls in the office. Our staff recently reviewed our 2017 season and talked about everything that went well and the things we can work to improve for next summer. No matter what’s going on at Camp Casey, our #1 priority is to continually make our programs safer and more fun. Pretty straightforward!
As the Program Manager for Camp Casey, I cannot possibly perfect our Horsey House Calls on my own. I wrangled together some of our all-star volunteers and seasonal staff to get their take on the 2017 season. Their feedback through surveys, one-on-one conversations, and group meetings is invaluable! I’ve taken their feedback to heart and am putting committees together to help make 2018 our most successful season yet!
Camp Casey’s focus will not only be set on the Southeast region, but will also be to gain more support on the West side of the state. We have an incredible relationship with the team at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital, which connected us with 14 amazing families over the summer, but we really need to grow our volunteer and support base in the
community. The standing goal for next year is to double the number of children we serve from the Grand Rapids area, but we really can’t do that without more volunteers, more horses, and more Equine Therapists. This will require some serious work to build more meaningful relationships with the huge network of colleges, churches, and cancer support
centers already established in the area. With the existing staff hooked on Horsey House Calls, and more time and effort spent in the West, those deserving buckaroos will be surprised with a knock on their door sooner rather than later! Do you have any Grand Rapids area connections? Send them my way! is the best way to reach me.
We would be remiss to talk about our plans for the future without applauding our unbelievable team of volunteers, Equine Therapists, and Ranch Hands for another summer well-done! So, we’re throwing y’all a PAR-TY! Our Volunteer Appreciation Night is at the Fowling Warehouse (21+) downtown on Thursday, November 9th at 7:00PM. Camp Casey will be providing a light dinner and a raffle drawing for a gift card, AND we’ll have fowling lanes reserved to get your fowl on. There is no amount of THANK YOU that we could possibly say to express the gratitude we have for our volunteers and their support and dedication to Camp Casey, but hopefully this night gives you a good idea. We really love you guys!
Take a minute to sign up for our Volunteer Appreciation Night, then forward the link to 5 friends and invite them to learn more about Camp Casey and all the fun we have. We can’t wait to see you!